DIY glass vase tissue dispenser on table with plant and candle

Free & Practical DIY Glass Vase Tissue Dispenser

Get rid of those cardboard tissue boxes by using a glass flower vase as a tissue dispenser. Free and practical home decor.

It’s allergy season 24/7 in my household. My nose constantly runs and I am always in need of a Kleenex.  Even though facial tissue companies have stepped up their game in the box designs, I still don’t like the look of  most of the tissue cardboard boxes on my tables.  

Glass flower vase hack

Instead of searching or making my own box cover, I decided to take one of the MANY glass flower vases I have collected over the years (thanks to my darling husband that used to bring me flowers) and just stuck some tissues inside.  BOOM!  Upgraded my tissue box look that is more inline with my decor.  

You could totally use any vase you have or that  you thrifted from Goodwill.  It doesn’t have to be clear either.  Really any container would work.  Enjoy finding something that works for your space. Super cute and practical!

Here’s a quick video on how I did it.

Now, you try it!

Post on my Facebook or Instagram and show me your spin on this quick, free and practical diy hack!

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